Dutch is Easy DUTCH is EASY
L e a r n  D u t c h  w i t h  R o n a l d

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Course Description

The video course Simply Dutch: Dutch for Beginners is a 3-hour Dutch language course, specifically designed for beginners in Dutch. This course focuses mainly on grammar and is divided into 12 chapters covering verb tenses, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and so on. We will even discuss some intermediate level grammar as well. This course covers everything you need to know as a beginner.

As mentioned, there are 12 chapters and each chapter is made up of at least 2 sections and each section has its own lesson (video). The lessons are presented in a PowerPoint format with approximately 80 slides in total.

In addition, each lesson includes example sentences and at least one exercise. And there’s a listening exercise for each chapter.

To view the table of contents for this course, click on the button below.

Introduction 02:04
Essential verbs (9 lessons - 27 min.)
1.1 Zijn (be) 07:29
1.2 Hebben (have) 02:20
1.3 Willen (want) 02:18
1.4 Moeten (have to/must) 02:09
1.5 Zullen (will/shall) 03:12
1.6 Gaan (will/go/going to) 03:23
1.7 Kunnen (can/be able to) 02:16
1.8 Worden (become/be/get) 01:41
1.9 Continuous form 01:57
Verb tenses (2 lessons - 16 min.)
2.1 Present tense 06:17
2.2 Past tense 09:45
Nouns (3 lessons - 18 min.)
3.1 De-nouns 05:27
3.2 Het-nouns 06:09
3.3 Nouns in plural form 06:44
Possessives (2 lessons - 4 min.)
4.1 Mijn, jouw (my, your) 01:56
4.2 Van mij, van jou (mine, yours) 02:10
Negatives (2 lessons - 5 min.)
5.1 Geen 01:21
5.2 Niet 03:29
Questions (2 lessons - 9 min.)
6.1 Question form 04:27
6.2 Question-words 04:17
Numbers, time & date (3 lessons - 7 min.)
7.1 Numbers 02:09
7.2 Time 03:13
7.3 Date 02:03
Adjectives (2 lessons - 9 min.)
8.1 After noun 03:56
8.2 Before noun 04:44
Adverbs (3 lessons - 9 min.)
9.1 Frequency 02:21
9.2 Time 03:10
9.3 Various 03:28
Mix of words (3 lessons - 10 min.)
10.1 Prepositions 03:15
10.2 Location words 01:50
10.3 Connection words 05:20
Verbs extra (4 lessons - 28 min.)
11.1 Perfect form 07:49
11.2 Useful verbs 06:39
11.3 Flexible verbs 07:51
11.4 Pronoun verbs 06:02
Small, useful words (5 lessons - 26 min.)
12.1 Er 04:53
12.2 Pas 04:54
12.3 Wel 06:31
12.4 Hen/Hun 03:23
12.5 Om te 05:29
End of course 00:20